Legislation feeds and news
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17/01/2025 - IMO has issued Res. MSC.552(108) with amendments applicable on both new and existing Bulk Carriers carrying grain in bulk in accordance with the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk Res. MSC.23(59).
If a compartment (i.e. Cargo Hold with sloping top side tanks) is deemed "SPECIALLY SUITABLE", it may not require trimming of grain at the ends outside the hatch opening.

Only the surface in way of the hatch opening needs to be level if the compartment is filled according to the new rules. In this respect, a new Addendum to the existing Grain Loading Manual has to be prepared with special
Grain Heeling Moment Calculations and new Loading Conditions reflecting the loading pattern with grain at its natural angle of repose outside the hatch opening. These amendments are coming into force on 1st January 2026.
03/11/2021 - Our amcLoad Ship Loading Software has been approved by the Thailand Marine Department - Ship Standard Bureau for Intact Stability, Direct Damage Stability and Hull Girder Longitudinal Strength calculations.
15/01/2021 - amcLoad Ship Loading Instrument has been approved by DNV-GL Head Office for Intact Stability, Direct Damage Stability and Hull Girder Longitudinal Strength aspects.
15/01/2018 - Lloyd's Register General Approval achieved for amcLoad.
Our Stability Instrument conforms to the LR high quality standards in respect of Longitudinal Strength in Intact and Flooded Conditions.
24/11/2016 - Our amcLoad Ship Loading Instrument has been crowned by NK - Tokyo Head Office Certification on Intact Stability and Direct Damage Stability aspects.
04/12/2015 - Amendments to MARPOL Annex I, BCH and IBC Code on ship survival capability and location of cargo tanks (IMO MEPC 66 - April 2014):
New requirements for onboard stability instruments applicable to all tankers will be effective from 1st January 2016.
MARPOL Annex I Ch.4, the IBC/BCH Code and the IGC/GC Code have all been amended, requiring tankers to be fitted with
a stability instrument capable of handling both intact and damage stability. The new requirement is retroactive and applies to both new and existing tankers
at the first renewal survey on or after 1st January 2016, but not later than 1st January 2021.
03/12/2015 - Our amcLoad Ship Loading Instrument has been crowned by RINA - Genoa Head Office Certification on Longitudinal Strength, Intact Stability and Direct Damage Stability aspects.
08/10/2014 - Our amcLoad Ship Loading Instrument has been crowned by Bureau Veritas - Paris Head Office and Piraeus Office Certification on Longitudinal Strength, Intact Stability and Direct Damage Stability aspects.
28/02/2013 - Greece will tax merchant ships managed by companies based in the country and sailing under foreign flags.
The tax will be based on the National Gross Tonnage Measurement in accordance with N.D. 973/71 and P.D. 25/90 regulations and is different (smaller) than ship's International Gross Tonnage.
In that respect a new National Tonnage Measurement has to be submitted to the Ministry for review and 25% of the tax has to be paid until 29 March 2013.